• EveryCubEver

    Author "Rick Kaempfer"

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In News
    Apr 5th, 2020
    We are not besmirching Palm Sunday. In fact, we’re at church right now. On the other hand, Palm Sunday does seem like the most thematically appropriate day to present for you two Cubs pitchers who famously used the palmball. ~Ray Culp 1941 (Cubs ...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In News
    Mar 19th, 2020
    Happy First day of Spring, on behalf of the only Cub ever named Spring…. ~Jack Spring (Cubs 1964) He pitched for seven teams in his eight big league seasons, and for exactly one month that team was the Cubs. They acquired Jack in May of 1964, and...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In News
    Mar 2nd, 2020
    Today is Kasimir Pulaski day, which is a big deal to Chicago’s large Polish population. There have been exactly five players in big league history who were born in Poland, and one of them played for the Cubs. His EVERY CUB EVER entry is listed be...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Feature
    Feb 26th, 2020
    On this Ash Wednesday, we salute the most famous Ash to ever play for the Cubs… ~Richie Ashburn 1927–1997 (Cubs 1960-1961) While it was great to have the Hall of Famer Ashburn covering centerfield for the 1960 and 1961 Cubs, the lifetime .3...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Feature
    Feb 25th, 2020
    On this Fat Tuesday, we recognize the fattest Cub of all-time… ~Jumbo Brown 1907–1966 (Cubs 1925) When Brown came up with the Cubs as a rookie, he immediately set a record. He was the heaviest player to ever play in the big leagues at that ...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Wrigley Field Memories
    Feb 9th, 2020
    1 Comment
    As the nation gathers around the television this weekend to watch the Academy Awards, Just One Bad Century features some of the Cubs connections to Hollywood over the years. BEFORE HOLLYWOOD Essanay Studios 1907-1917 Not many people realize that Chicag...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Feature
    Jan 21st, 2020
    As the nation celebrates Martin Luther King day, we honor the Cub players named King… ~King Cole 1886 (Cubs 1909-1912) His real name was Leonard Leslie Cole. He started his baseball career as a pitcher with the Cubs in 1909. By 1910, he was the a...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Featured Products
    Jan 14th, 2020
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Feature
    Dec 25th, 2019
    On Jesus’ birthday, we honor the Cub players named Jesus… ~Jesus Figueroa, 1957 (Cubs 1980) The Dominican outfielder played for the Cubs one year, his only season in the big leagues. The Cubs used him mainly as a pinch hitter that season. H...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Feature
    Nov 28th, 2019
    On this Thanksgiving, we honor the Native Americans who played for the Cubs… ~Ben Tincup 1893 (Cubs 1928) Tincup may be the only Native American player in the early 20th century who wasn’t nicknamed Chief. He was a Cherokee. He was also a W...