• EveryCubEver

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In This Week in 1945
    Apr 12th, 2024
    1 Comment
    This week during the last year the Cubs went to the World Series… World War II Rages On *But it rages on without the American president. On the afternoon of April 12, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is in Warm Springs Georgia. He says, “I have a terrific pain in the back of my head.” He t...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    Apr 12th, 2024
    ~Moose Moryn 1926–1996 (Cubs 1956-1960) His real name was Walter. He was a big boy, 6’2, 205 pounds, which undoubtedly led to his nickname. Moose had a few good power years, knocking in 88 runs in 1957 and hitting 26 home runs in 1958. In ’58 he had three homers in one game (5/30/58) against [&...