A Site That Focuses On The History of the Chicago Cubs!
Written by Rick Kaempfer, the author of "everycubever"
(Eckhartz Press, 2019) https://eckhartzpress.com/shop/everycubever/ The book is literally about Every Cub Ever. The website is a companion piece to that voluminous book.
August 6, 1959 Billy Williams makes his major league debut with the Cubs. He plays left field and bats third, and in his first big league at-bat, facing journeyman Phillies pitcher Jim Owens, Billy drives in Tony Taylor with the first run of the game. That turns out to be the game winner, as the [&he...
August 2, 1923 President Warren G. Harding dies unexpectedly. He wasn’t from Chicago, but Chicago nevertheless played an important role in the his presidency. For one thing, in 1920 he was nominated by Republican party leaders in a smoke filled Chicago hotel room; Suite 4046 on the 13th floor o...
July 30,1962 The All-Stars gather in Chicago’s Wrigley Field to play their second All-Star game of the season. The first one was played in Washington in early July. There are 21 Hall of Famers in the game on this Monday afternoon (yes, that’s right, a Monday afternoon All Star Game). The ...
July 25, 1941 Emmett Till is born on the south side of Chicago. His mother Mamie probably doesn’t care that the all-white Chicago Cubs are at Wrigley Field beating Boston 5-4, thanks to a 6th inning homer from Babe Dahlgren. Chicago is just as segregated as the big leagues. Emmett Till will live long...
July 23, 1962 The Cubs make television history. Their game against the Philadelphia Phillies in Wrigley Field is beamed into Europe by Telstar, the first communications satellite. This is the first live sporting event from America ever beamed into Europe. The Cubs lineup that day features the Rookie ...
~Don Kessinger 1942– (Cubs 1964-1975) Kessinger had a brilliant career with the Cubs, holding down the starting shortstop position for over a decade during the Cubs resurgence of the late 60s/early 70s. Kessinger was an All-Star five years in a row (68-72) and a two-time Gold Glover. He and Gle...
~Bubbles Hargrave 1892–1969 (Cubs 1913-1915) His real name was Eugene Hargrave, but everyone called him Bubbles because he stuttered every time he said a word that started with the letter “B”. As much as Bubbles hated his nickname, he must have known that it could have been worse. His younger b...
~Andre Dawson 1954– (Cubs 1987-1992) Andre Dawson was a fan favorite with the Cubs from 1987-1992. Warren Cromartie, one of Andre’s teammates with the Expos, explained Andre’s nickname in his autobiography: “Andre’s nickname was the ‘Hawk’ because his facial features resembled a hawk’s. He had ...
~Mark Grace 1964– (Cubs 1988-2000) They called him Amazing Grace, after the song, and because of his amazing glove work around first base. Mark Grace anchored first for the Cubs for more than a decade and became one of Wrigley Field’s fan favorites. He won four Gold Gloves, hit .300 nine times,...
June 27, 1932 The three major contenders for the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention 1932 (held at the Chicago Stadium from June 27 – July 2, 1932) were Franklin Roosevelt (Gov of NY), Speaker of the House John Nance Garner and former governor of New York and 1928 pres...