A Site That Focuses On The History of the Chicago Cubs!
Written by Rick Kaempfer, the author of "everycubever"
(Eckhartz Press, 2019) https://eckhartzpress.com/shop/everycubever/ The book is literally about Every Cub Ever. The website is a companion piece to that voluminous book.
August 2, 1923 President Warren G. Harding dies unexpectedly. He wasn’t from Chicago, but Chicago nevertheless played an important role in the his presidency. For one thing, in 1920 he was nominated by Republican party leaders in a smoke filled Chicago hotel room; Suite 4046 on the 13th floor o...
~Rudy Meoli 1951– (Cubs 1978) Because Joe Pepitone had retired from baseball a few seasons earlier, the Cubs were in desperate need of a player who looked just like him. They weren’t disappointed when Rudy Meoli showed up in camp. He had the same wild look as Pep, but he had one other qua...
~Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis 1866 (Cubs fan 1893-1944) On this day in 1866, the future first commissioner of baseball was born, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis. He is best remembered as the man who banned the Black Sox for life, and saved the game from the evils of gambling, but Judge Kenesaw Mountai...