• EveryCubEver

    Paul Smith

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    Mar 19th, 2024
    1 Comment
    ~Richie Ashburn 1927–1997 (Cubs 1960-1961) While it was great to have the Hall of Famer Ashburn covering centerfield for the 1960 and 1961 Cubs, the lifetime .308 hitter was long past his prime. He put up those Hall of Fame numbers mostly for the Philadelphia Phillies. The stories about Ashburn...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Feature
    Dec 30th, 2020
    The most common name in America is Smith, and yet there has never been a President Smith. There once was a man named Al Smith, who ran for president and lost against Herbert Hoover, but that’s as close as we got. As a tribute to Al on the anniversary of his birth, we honor all […]...