• EveryCubEver

    Mickey Mantle

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    May 20th, 2024
    ~Bobby Murcer 1946–2008 (Cubs 1977-1979) It’s not like the Cubs went looking for Bobby Murcer. They had one thing in mind after their disastrous 1976 season, and that was getting rid of disgruntled two-time batting champion Bill Madlock. Madlock was going to cost too much money; therefore he ha...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    Aug 15th, 2023
    1 Comment
    ~Barney Schultz 1926–2015 (Cubs 1961-1963) Barney had the misfortune of pitching for the Cubs during the College of Coaches era. He was not a young pup either. The journeyman who had never spent a full season in the majors was 34 years old in 1961. His teammates called him “Mr. Old Folks.” The ...