• EveryCubEver

    Barney Schultz

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    May 6th, 2024
    ~Bill Hands 1940–2017 (Cubs 1966-1972) Bill Hands was nicknamed “Froggy” because his style was reminiscent of Don Larsen, who was with the Cubs at the end of his illustrious career, and the beginning of Hands career. Larsen was nicknamed Froggy, so Hands was given the nickname too. Hands became...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    Aug 15th, 2023
    1 Comment
    ~Barney Schultz 1926–2015 (Cubs 1961-1963) Barney had the misfortune of pitching for the Cubs during the College of Coaches era. He was not a young pup either. The journeyman who had never spent a full season in the majors was 34 years old in 1961. His teammates called him “Mr. Old Folks.” The ...