• EveryCubEver

    My Cubs!

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today on JOBC
    Sep 16th, 2016

    Division Champs! I was there at the game last night and left disappointed…but before I got home, the Cubs were crowned division champs thanks to a Cardinals loss.

    This is a great song about the Cubs, written by Tom Latourette. He and I have collaborated on songs in the past, and he tips his cap to Just One Bad Century at the end of the song. It’s a parody of a song from “Hamilton” and it’s incredibly well done.


    2 Responses to “My Cubs!”

    1. cliff culpeper says:

      Good evening/early morning, Rick – Cliff from San Francisco – been 3 years I think since I asked you a question which you put on your blog as to why/how the Chicago Cubs and St Louis Cardinals became arch rivals compared to the Giants-Dodgers which started in New York and the animosity stayed when both teams went West to the same state. Anyway, congrats to Cubs (a few weeks late) and to my win-the-World-Series-every-even-numbered-year SF Giants who just made New York’s Citi Field as quiet as a library in the 9th. Sorry if you Cubbies would have wanted the Mets for a revenge rematch from 2015. At the beginning of the season, everyone was talking about a Giants-Cubs showdown for the NL pennant – and it looked that way until after the All-Star Game – my SF never really got its mojo back – so, though it won’t be a sweep by any side, I think my Giants will not have enough energy to beat your Cubs in the upcoming week (we only have ONE Madison Bumgarner!) – so, more congratulations to Chicago (but I’ll be VERY happy if I’m wrong!!) – Just make sure you also “beat LA” – saw your video “My Cubs – I’m not betting against” – loved pausing the video to read the editorial cartoons – and you gave me a preview of a tune when HAMILTON comes to San Francisco next year – my mother came back to SF after visiting our “White-Sox” cousins in Naperville (mom’s the only Cub fan – she was about 10 at her first baseball game at Wrigley during World War II), and she tells me that the SUN-TIMES leans to the Cubs in coverage, but I saw that your TRIBUNE had a great article on “108 things a Cub’s fan should know” – loved reason 99: George Will says Cubs fans are 99.44% scar-tissue – that’s all I wanted to say – good job on the website, this recent video, the Cubs having the fortitude to get to the post-season in consecutive years, and no hard feelings if MAYBE the Giants pull it out – 🙂

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