• EveryCubEver

    Every Cub Ever (I)

    By Rick Kaempfer
    Jan 14th, 2015

    Extra Entries beginning with the letter I…

    ~The Ides of March (Cubs song)

    ~Kasey Ignarski (Cubs blogger/author)
    Kasey maintains the website cubsbythenumbers.com, which literally lists every Cub by the uniform number they wore. He is also the co-author of 2009 book Cubs By The Numbers along with Al Yellon and Matthew Silverman.

    ~Stephanie Izard 1976 (Cubs fan)
    Stephanie became famous when she won Top Chef, the first woman to win that award on the Bravo show. She grew up in a Cubs home; her father was a big fan. When Stephanie’s first son was born she named him Ernie after her favorite player Ernie Banks. In the book “Cubsessions” Stephanie calls throwing out the first pitch at Wrigley Field one of the biggest thrills of her life. In 2017 she was featured at Wrigley as one of the rotating Chefs who contributed food to the ballpark’s menu. Her contribution: Goat Tacos.

    Videos and audio beginning with the letter I…

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