• EveryCubEver

    This Week in 1945 (October 3-10)

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In This Week in 1945
    Oct 3rd, 2024

    This week (October 3- October 10) during the last year the Cubs went to the World Series (before 2016)…

    THE WORLD SERIES (October 3- October 10)

    Game 1

    1945 Briggs StadiumIt’s a cold and chilly day at Briggs Stadium (photo) in Detroit, but it starts off well for the visitors.

    The Chicago Tribune reports… CUBS WHIP TIGERS, 9-0; 54,637 WATCH BOROWY WIN IN SERIES OPENER; Newhouser Routed in Third Inning; A TIGER’S OUT— A CUB SCORES —AND IT’S A GREAT DAY FOR BOROWY: Charley Grimm’s Cubs, champions of the National league, turned loose batting thunder today to project themselves into the spotlight as probable world champions, an honor the Chicagoans haven’t owned since way back in 1908.

    More coverage from the Chicago Tribune: A PAVING BRICK HELPS CUBS WIN!: The happiest man in Detroit was Charles John Grimm, the inspiring 48-year-old leader of the triumphant Chicago Cubs. The leather-faced Grimm was grinning from ear-to-ear and whistling with boyish enthusiasm as he led his chilled and shivering players into their steam-heated dressing room. Andy Lotshaw, club conditioner, explained he had soaked two huge paving bricks in hot water while the Cubs were on the field, so that Borowy could keep warm between innings.


    Game 2

    The Chicago Tribune reports… CUBS LOSE; 3 RUN HOMER BY GREENBERG BEATS WYSE, 4-1; Trucks Goes Route for Detroit: Hank Greenberg, the towering ex-army captain who knocked a ninth inning, four run homer to clinch the American league pennant for the Detroit Tigers in St. Louis last Sunday, gave them their margin of success in a 4 to 1 victory over the Chicago Cubs.

    Virgil TrucksVirgil Trucks (photo), fresh off military duty himself, pitches the Tigers to victory.

    In retrospect: Years later Cubs starter Hank Wyse reflected on the game winning homer by Hank Greenberg in the book “Wrigleyville”… “I had two strikes on him, and I thought I’d show him my good curve and come straight overhand, and I hung it a little bit inside about waist high. He hit it about a mile high, but it just barely got into the seats. It went out about a seat or two. I heard later that Jim Tobin, who used to be with the Boston Braves was in the scoreboard calling pitches. I don’t know that for sure, but I wouldn’t doubt it.”

    Game 3

    The second greatest pitching performance in World Series history is thrown by Claude Passeau.

    claude passeauThe Chicago Tribune reports…PASSEAU KEEPS CALM IN MIDST OF VICTORY DIN; Learns of His Historic Role in Dressing Room: Claude Passeau didn’t know he had shared world series history by holding the Detroit Tigers to one hit today until he reached the dressing room of the victorious [3-0] Chicago Cubs.

    More coverage in the Chicago Tribune…BLEACHER FANS KEEP ALL-NIGHT VIGIL AT GATES: Chicago was prepared last night to greet the Cubs in Wrigley field for the fourth game of the world series against the Detroit Tigers this afternoon, from jam-packed loop hotels to the north side ball park, where 5,000 milled about the bleacher entrance.


    Game 4

    1945 - 2More coverage from the Chicago Tribune…The Chicago Tribune reports…CUBS LOSE; TIGERS, TROUT TRIUMPH, 4-1, SQUARE SERIES; DETROIT HAS ITS DAY AND IT’S ANYBODY’S SERIES: Before 42,943 startled fans in Wrigley Field, the American leaguers broke loose with a four-run fourth inning for the sum of their production, and another 4 to 1 victory to even the series for the second time. Silent Ray Prim, the ripe Cub lefty, was the losing pitcher, and main pitching victim of the assault. Dizzy Trout, a Hoosier of a few million words, was the happy conqueror, on a five-hit effort.

    In the Wake of the News, by Arch Ward: Andy Frain had trouble with only one fan, Billy Sianis, owner of a tavern near Chicago Stadium, who insisted on bringing a goat into the box seat section. Sianis had a ticket for the goat, which was paraded thru the American league area of front box customers. The critter wore a blanket on which was pinned a sign reading “We Got Detroit’s Goat.” Frain finally convinced Sianis goats should be with Navy football teams.

    Game 5

    The ace of the Cubs staff, Hank Borowy, can’t get it done in front of the home crowd.

    The Chicago Tribune reports…CUBS TRAIL, 3-2; NORTH SIDERS BEATEN, 8 TO 4, BY NEWHOUSER: Detroit’s Tigers, twice in arrears by one game in the current world series, boomed themselves into the lead for the first time yesterday before a 43,463 house in Wrigley field, The American leaguers actually, kicked the Cubs around in a baseball free-for-all, 8 to 4.

    Game 6

    The Chicago Tribune reports…Cubs Win, Tie Series in 12 Inning Game – Scorers Clear Greenberg of Crucial Error: Baseball’s 1945 world series roars onto the seventh and deciding game in Wrigley field tomorrow —and really roars, tho today will be an off day. Yesterday the Cubs beat the Tigers, 8 to 7, with two out in the 12th inning, in a game that perhaps transcends all others.

    More coverage from the Chicago Tribune…7TH GAME TICKET FANS BESIEGE CUBS’ PARK; 200 OPEN VIGIL AT GATES OF WRIGLEY FIELD – Corps of Clerks Awaits Rush – How to Get Tickets: Wrigley field’s ticket corridors on Addison st. last night were illuminated by fires crackling inside tubs and garbage cans. At midnight the place was alive with more than 200 half frozen rabid baseball fans of all descriptions and ages.

    Game 7

    The New York Times reports…TIGERS CRUSH CUBS BY 9-3 AND ANNEX WORLD SERIES, 4-3; Rout Borowy in Opening Frame and Send Five Runs Across Plate Before 41,950

    Baseball Fans Waiting Outside Wrigley FieldMore coverage from the New York Times…NEWHOUSER AGAIN VICTOR – Fans 10 in His Second Triumph – Richards Hits 2 Doubles, First Driving 3 Home: Flooring their rivals with a first-round knockdown punch from which the never recovered, Steve O’Neill’s Tigers brought the baseball championship of the universe back to Detroit today as they sent Charlie Grimm’s Cubs down to a crushing 9-to-3 defeat [at] Wrigley Field. The weather, as it has been almost throughout this series, was again subnormal in temperature for baseball, with the sun breaking only intermittently through a gray, hazy sky. A deep sorrow seems to be enveloping Chicago’s fandom tonight.

    The Chicago Tribune does the post mortem…CUBS HOPE TO FORGET WOES ON HUNTING TRIPS; GRIMM HEADS FOR PEACE AND QUIET OF FARM – Cubs Still Better Team on Paper: Mr. Charles Grimm, the boss of the Cubs, saw the Tigers put an end to the 1945 world series at about 4 o’clock Wednesday afternoon and yesterday he made the ending official in his own way. He picked up his hat and started for his St. Louis country farm, not happy, of course.

    In Retrospect: Lennie Merullo reflected on Game 7 many years later in the book “Wrigleyville”… “Borowy never should have pitched in that last game. He never should have. Bowory came into the clubhouse after pitching a bunch of innings in relief in Game 6 and said: ‘Skip. I’ll go right to bed tonight. We have an off day tomorrow and I’ll be ready for that seventh game.’ And Grimmy said ‘You’re my man.’ Just like that. He should have stuck with Vandenberg, who was rested. Borowy was all pitched out.”

    Bill Nicholson: “I knew Hank shouldn’t have pitched. I knew when I was sitting there, ’cause he was a man who had to have his rest, and seven innings was top notch for him, and when he didn’t get his rest, I knew were in for a rough day. I didn’t say anything to Grimm, but he couldn’t get anybody out.”

    Hank Wyse: “It was Grimm’s fault. He didn’t pitch the pitchers right. I don’t know why he couldn’t have pitched Paul Erickson or Vandbenberg in that seventh game. They were furious and so was I. I didn’t talk to Charlie about it. I wouldn’t have done any good.”

    Fans Line Up by Empty Wrigley Field

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