• EveryCubEver

    Tex Carleton

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    Aug 19th, 2024
    ~Tim Blackwell 1952– (Cubs 1978-1980) With Blackwell on the roster from 1978-1980, the Cubs knew that they had someone who could hit against both lefties and righties (he was a switch hitter), and if necessary, he could also be an emergency understudy for any Wyatt Earp movie being filmed in th...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In This Week In Wrigley History
    Aug 6th, 2024
    August 6, 1959 Billy Williams makes his major league debut with the Cubs. He plays left field and bats third, and in his first big league at-bat, facing journeyman Phillies pitcher Jim Owens, Billy drives in Tony Taylor with the first run of the game. That turns out to be the game winner, as the [&he...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In This Week In Wrigley History
    May 21st, 2024
    1 Comment
    May 21, 1935 The immortal Babe Ruth played his last game at Wrigley Field. Ruth was a shell of his former self, struggling to stay afloat with the Boston Braves. And he made three outs his first three times to the plate, but in his last at bat ever in Wrigley Field, Babe Ruth stepped […]...