A Site That Focuses On The History of the Chicago Cubs!
Written by Rick Kaempfer, the author of "everycubever"
(Eckhartz Press, 2019) https://eckhartzpress.com/shop/everycubever/ The book is literally about Every Cub Ever. The website is a companion piece to that voluminous book.
October 3, 1915 The Cubs play their final game in the dilapidated ballpark known as West Side Grounds. It has been their home since 1893, but it is considered a fire (made of wood) and safety (falling apart) hazard. Cubs owner Charles Murphy simply refuses to spend any money on the park’s upkee...
~Lou Johnson 1934– (Cubs 1960, 1968) His nickname was Sweet Lou or Slick. Lou played for the Cubs in two different seasons, his rookie year and his second to last season in the big leagues, and neither of those seasons were particularly remarkable. Lou is probably better remembered for what he ...