• EveryCubEver

    Larry Cheney

    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    May 2nd, 2024
    ~Keith Moreland 1954– (Cubs 1982-1987) He was a tough former Texas football player with the given name of Bobby Keith Moreland, but to his Cubs teammates, he was simply known as Zonk. One of the many former Phillies on the Dallas Green-led Cubs of the mid-80s, Moreland was the Cubs’ leading bat...
    By Rick Kaempfer
    In Today's Cub Birthday
    Oct 26th, 2023
    1 Comment
    ~Hillary Rodham Clinton 1947– (Cubs fan 1947-Present) She grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois, an unabashed Cubs fan. Even though she later claimed to have been a Yankees fan, there is documentary evidence to prove her Cubs love. In 1993, when she was the First Lady, she accepted induction into the...